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Gonzalo A Moreno. My Physics papers and Novels.
Writer-Escritor. Novelas Physicist. My Physics papers
Wellcome The secret of the Universe is inside the electron.
1. A STUDY OF ENERGY AND ITS IMPLICATIONS. SPACE TEMPORAL STRUCTURE OF ENERGY. “Time is considered like a flow, as a growing magnitude that advances inexorably carrying every possible event, disappearing its trace and assuring its continuity through the predictable future. But past and future are not more than unreal forms, so are they undisputed proofs of the time existence? Can be past and future like energetic instant states inside a characteristic process of energetic variation that we observe as time passage ?” The development of the initial equations shows spatial magnitude like a mathematical way that possesses all the necessary characteristics for the development and formation of any observable real process. The emptiness, defined mathematically through the length magnitude characterized by the equation s=(Gεμ)∙m ”, allows itself the existence of processes with energetic transmission as the electromagnetic radiation, the formation of matter defined by some properties as mass and electrical charge across the spatial curvature, and assures the constancy of light velocity with independence from the velocity of the reference system. The evolution of the initial hypotheses bears to the known consequences in development of the special relativity theory and relates general relativity with the elemental particles across the spatial curvature and its relation with a constant force value F=c 4 /G and Planck space, time, mass and energy values, all implied in the inertial feature so called mass and also in the electrical charge property. The relation E/m = c 2 is associated to volume through the above mentioned constant force and tension, and the values already defined by Planck appear interpreted as a "coupling" between " s=x " and Compton's wave length “ λ ” according to the deduced equation λx=Gh/c 3 . “…The photon would remain trapped by the central punctual mass, only to distance whose value will be the associated space to mass: r=x=mG/c 2 , which is independent of the according to Compton formula photon mass.” “…we might consider their spatial magnitudes by equivalence and so a spatial curvature with these characteristics would behave like a photon trapped to distance “r=x” from the center of a sphere with that radio, in which every points which conform it to the same distance show a tension T`=c 4 /G. And mass attribute appears naturally.” “…mass appears from the coupling mass value (coincident with Planck mass) modulated by the interaction between two forces.” “… proper time appears as a function of temperature and entropy variation , and second one, in natural processes transmitted at light velocity, proper time does not exist. “…But we need to employ time to predict natural processes we observe, considering it consequently an undisputed probe about the existence of time. In this way we frame a useful entelechy that only exits from the related to the observer system point of view to study other inertial or non inertial external systems, where time does not exist or it is only an equivalence with energy exchange.” Even on inertial physical systems with non entropy variations and constant velocity, equivalent to resting systems, or on non inertial systems where acceleration exists, with equivalences on gravity or weightlessness depending on direction of the acceleration, time does not exist, although an external observer can use the concept of time to define those frames. And in turn, one observer placed on a system for which proper time does not exist, could use time to define each other observed external system . It is only on frames where an entropy variation occurs, where we can devise the proper time concept, but considering distinct signs depending on signs of the entropic variation.” “…Life is a feedback reaction that permits to bear its increasing of entropy which tends to destroy the transmission of information over time, first by using energy to control that entropy variation, and as a certain degradation limit, by using energy to be opportunely renewed into another related system achieving the survival of the information. Information fights unconsciously to be transmitted and not be destroyed by probability. - INDEX - 1.- VALIDITY OF DIFFERENTIALS EQUATIONS FOR ENERGY AND MASS FUNCTIONS. In the study of the hypotheses two integration constants appear: Cm y Ce, and the equations are studied with the inclusion of constant and its consequences. 2.- HIGH MASSES CONSIDERATION. Development of the theory with the consideration of zero values for integration constants, or situations in which this approximation is useful. 3.- GENERALIZATION OF FORCE IN ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH ENERGY, MASS AND ASSOCIATED ESPACE “x”. Generalization of the force involved in the relation energy, mass, space for any speed value. 4.- STUDY OF THE VELOCITY-TIME FUNCTION. 5.- TERMODINAMIC STUDY OF THE ASSOCIATED TO ENERGY-MASS PROPER TIME. Application of the hypotheses. Implications time, energy variation and entropy variation. 5.1.-Generalization in complex systems. Study of the physical meaning of the implications in a macroscopic level. 6.-COUPLING. Particular conditions of surroundings. 7.- STUDY OF ENERGETIC VALUE AND IMPULSE IMPLICATED IN “m,x” RELATION REFERING TO COUPLING. Application of the F=c 4 /G value in the previous conditions of surroundings. Value of the unification of forces and energy. 8.-PHYSICAL INTERPRETATION OF THE ASSOCIATED SPACE. Study of the physical meaning of the space implied in the inertial character of mass from the study of the following concepts: 8.1.- Study of the pressure in a isotropic medium defined by its equivalence space-mass. 8.2.-Tension of a string with linear density µ=m/L, on which a wave with speed c is transmitted. 8.3.- Equivalence work-energy-mass. 8.4.- Application to an inertial system with spherical curvature. 9.-PHYSICAL MEANING OF CHARGE AND MASS MAGNITUDES. Magnitudes charge and mass appear from their coupling values (coincident with Planck mass and an unified charge) modulated by the interaction between two forces. 9.1.- THEORETICAL SUPPORT. 9.2.- QUANTIZATION OF MAGNITUDES. Paper1 page (PDF)
2. QUANTUM STABILITY OF THE MUON, TAU, ELECTRON LEPTONS IN RELATION TO PLANCK MAGNITUDES AND VACUUM. QUANTIZATION OF ELECTRIC CHARGE AND MASS. From the study of the spatial magnitude capacity as a sufficient medium in its relation with the Planck magnitudes in the formation and development of observable and real processes such as electrical charge and rest mass, the close existing relationships among tau, muon and electron leptonic particles are detailed as well as the definition for tau and muon as symmetrical components of an orderly mathematical framework defined by spatial relationships, which only permits the formation of some structures by an only and reproducible way. The values obtained from the developed theoretical equations for muon and tau leptons rest mass equivalent are: m(µ)·c 2 =105,65763 62(83) Mev ; m(τ)·c 2 =1778,578 255(140) Mev. Taking the reference of experimental muon rest mass value due to accuracy in mass measurement, the relative error is e r (µ)=0,0000068. - INDEX - 1.– Quantization of electrical charge. 1.1.– Quantization of electrical charge. Supplementary conditions. 2.– Theoretical support and relation with electron mass. 3.– Tau-muon relationships. Rest mass values calculation and conclusions. Paper2 page (PDF)
The number of samples obtained for Ho values experimentally measured between year 1996 and the last update of the source [1] , are represented on the axis of ordinates. Experimental values of the Hubble constant, in spite of experimental errors, agglutinate around the predicted ones by the model, forming domes around the values with peak points just in theoretical determinations or insinuating this fact. This representation will be indicative of any global pattern about Ho behaviour, increasing accuracy by becoming larger the data accumulation despite the existence of inaccuracies according to experimental measurements, and so constitutes an opened procedure by prolongation in time. In fact, the existence of the anticipated pattern by the model is peeked on graph in which Ho insinuates multiple possible quantized values separated by 4,1 Km·s -1 /Mpc (see table), which coincides closely with the Self Inductive Model predicted value 4,17 Km·s -1 /Mpc!!. Note: - Due to its configuration, the peak number 4 has been considered like a unique unit. This shape must be revised in subsequent updates. -
3.2. EXPERIMENTAL DATA COMPILATION OF THE HUBBLE CONSTANT. Estimates of the Hubble constant along time. (Periodically updated) Experimental data source: Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. John Huchra. https://lweb.cfa.harvard.edu/~dfabricant/huchra/ ; https://lweb.cfa.harvard.edu/~dfabricant/huchra/hubble.plot.dat
3. SELF INDUCTIVE MODEL. THEORETICAL CALCULATION OF THE HUBBLE CONSTANT AND RELATION WITH CMB AND CIB. The cosmological displacement of spectral lines observed between different noticeable cosmic objects and Earth depends initially on the relative speeds between them. The present model sets out to evaluate the value of the Hubble constant H o by taking account of the behaviour of variable electric and magnetic fields, which shapes electromagnetic transmission to produce a spectral red-shift. The model deduces the new attribute vacuum self-inductance with the form L o = Ω o t p /2 π . Likewise, the application of the model to a sampling of galaxy and quasars leads to a surprising relationship between the CMB, CIB and the cosmological red-shift, as well as to the discrepancy in the conventional distance to quasars. (Ω o =√(μ o o ) vacuum impedance ; t p = Planck time). Initial hypotheses on electromagnetic transmission through the vacuum: 1- The impedance of the vacuum (defined by its magnetic permeability and dielectric constant) determines the behaviour of the transmitted electromagnetic wave. 2- In certain physical systems there is an opposition to the variation of magnetic and electric fields. 3- Maxwell's equations and the vacuum impedance magnitude leads to the new magnitude “vacuum self-inductance”. Many consequences follow from these hypotheses, but we will focus on two to summarize: - There is a very subtle opposition to the variation of electric and magnetic fields inherent in the transmission of electromagnetic waves. - The results lead to a reinterpretation of the concept of the Hubble constant. ∙ Galilean Electrodynamics. Vol.19, N.5, pag.83-87, Sept.-Oct.2008. Paper3 page (PDF) 3.1. THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS COMPARISON. (Periodically updated) Experimental source: Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. John Huchra [1] . Estimates of the Hubble´s constant. Theoretical data source: Self inductive model.
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All material included in this web can be used under source citation. Thanks for your reading!
RELEVANT GONZALO A. MORENO MILESTONES AND DISCOVERIES - Space-mass equivalence: s=(Gεμ)∙m Affectionately named: Moreno´s equation. - Vacuum Self-inductance: L o =Ω o t p /2π - The theory predicts values of the Hubble Constant separated 4,17 Km·s -1 /Mpc. Cosmological redshift as the impedance vacuum consequence. (Ω o =√(μ o o ) vacuum impedance ; t p = Planck time). … more and details in papers …
1. A STUDY OF ENERGY AND ITS IMPLICATIONS. SPACE TEMPORAL STRUCTURE OF ENERGY. “Time is considered like a flow, as a growing magnitude that advances inexorably carrying every possible event, disappearing its trace and assuring its continuity through the predictable future. But past and future are not more than unreal forms, so are they undisputed proofs of the time existence? Can be past and future like energetic instant states inside a characteristic process of energetic variation that we observe as time passage?” The development of the initial equations shows “spatial magnitude” like a mathematical way that possesses all the necessary characteristics for the development and formation of any observable real process. The emptiness, defined mathematically through the length magnitude characterized by the equation s=(Gεμ)∙m ”, allows itself the existence of processes with energetic transmission as the electromagnetic radiation, the formation of matter defined by some properties as mass and electrical charge across the spatial curvature, and assures the constancy of light velocity with independence from the velocity of the reference system. The evolution of the initial hypotheses bears to the known consequences in development of the special relativity theory and relates general relativity with the elemental particles across the spatial curvature and its relation with a constant force value F=c 4 /G and Planck space, time, mass and energy values, all implied in the inertial feature so called mass and also in the electrical charge property. The constant relation E/m=c 2 is associated to volume through the above mentioned constant force and tension, and the values already defined by Planck appear interpreted as a "coupling" between " s=x " and Compton's wave length λ according to the deduced equation λx=Gh/c 3 . “…The photon would remain trapped by the central punctual mass, only to distance whose value will be the associated space to mass: r=x=mG/c 2 , which is independent of the according to Compton formula photon mass.” “…we might consider their spatial magnitudes by equivalence and so a spatial curvature with these characteristics would behave like a photon trapped to distance r=x from the center of a sphere with that radio, in which every points which conform it to the same distance show a tension T`=c 4 /G . And mass attribute appears naturally.” “…mass appears from the coupling mass value (coincident with Planck mass) modulated by the interaction between two forces.” “…proper time appears as a function of temperature and entropy variation, and second one, in natural processes transmitted at light velocity, proper time does not exist.” “…But we need to employ time to predict natural processes we observe, considering it consequently an undisputed probe about the existence of time. In this way we frame a useful entelechy that only exits from the related to the observer system point of view to study other inertial or non inertial external systems, where time does not exist or it is only an equivalence with energy exchange.” Even on inertial physical systems with non entropy variations and constant velocity, equivalent to resting systems, or on non inertial systems where acceleration exists, with equivalences on gravity or weightlessness depending on direction of the acceleration, time does not exist, although an external observer can use the concept of time to define those frames. And in turn, one observer placed on a system for which proper time does not exist, could use time to define each other observed external system. It is only on frames where an entropy variation occurs, where we can devise the proper time concept, but considering distinct signs depending on signs of the entropic variation.” “…Life is a feedback reaction that permits to bear its increasing of entropy which tends to destroy the transmission of information over time, first by using energy to control that entropy variation, and as a certain degradation limit, by using energy to be opportunely renewed into another related system achieving the survival of the information. Information fights unconsciously to be transmitted and not be destroyed by probability. Paper1 page (PDF)
2. QUANTUM STABILITY OF THE MUON, TAU, ELECTRON LEPTONS IN RELATION TO PLANCK MAGNITUDES AND VACUUM. QUANTIZATION OF ELECTRIC CHARGE AND MASS. From the study of the vacuum capacity as a sufficient medium in its relation with the Planck magnitudes in the formation and development of observable and real processes such as electrical charge and rest mass, the close existing relationships among tau, muon and electron leptonic particles are detailed as well as the definition for tau and muon as symmetrical components of an orderly body defined by spatial relations which only permits the formation of some structures by an only and reproducible way. The values obtained from the developed theoretical equations for muon and tau leptons rest mass equivalent are: m(µ)·c 2 =105,65763 62(83) Mev ; m(τ)·c 2 =1778,578 255(140) Mev. Taking the reference of experimental muon rest mass value due to accuracy in mass measuremente, the relative error is e r (µ)= 0,0000068”. - INDEX - 1.– Quantization of electrical charge. 1.1.– Quantization of electrical charge. Supplementary conditions. 2.– Theoretical support and relation with electron mass. 3.– Tau-muon relationships. Rest mass values calculation and conclusions. Paper2 page (PDF)
Writer-Escritor. Novelas Physicist. My Physics papers
3. SELF INDUCTIVE MODEL. THEORETICAL CALCULATION OF THE HUBBLE CONSTANT AND RELATION WITH CMB AND CIB. The cosmological displacement of spectral lines observed between different noticeable cosmic objects and Earth depends initially on the relative speeds between them. The present model sets out to evaluate the value of the Hubble constant Ho by taking account of the behaviour of variable electric and magnetic fields, which shapes electromagnetic transmission to produce a spectral red-shift. The model deduces the new attribute vacuum self-inductance with the form Lo= Ω otp/2 π . Likewise, the application of the model to a sampling of galaxy and quasars leads to a surprising relationship between the CMB, CIB and the cosmological red-shift, as well as to the discrepancy in the conventional distance to quasars. (Ωo=√(μ o o ) vacuum impedance ; tp= Planck time). Initial hypotheses on electromagnetic transmission through the vacuum: 1- The impedance of the vacuum (defined by its magnetic permeability and dielectric constant) determines the behaviour of the transmitted electromagnetic wave. 2- In certain physical systems there is an opposition to the variation of magnetic and electric fields. 3- Maxwell's equations and the vacuum impedance magnitude leads to the new magnitude “vacuum self- inductance”. Many consequences follow from these hypotheses, but we will focus on two to summarize: - There is a very subtle opposition to the variation of electric and magnetic fields inherent in the transmission of electromagnetic waves. - The results lead to a reinterpretation of the concept of the Hubble constant. ∙ Galilean Electrodynamics. Vol.19, N.5, pag.83-87, Sept.- Oct.2008. Paper3 page (PDF) 3.1. THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS COMPARISON. (Periodically updated) Experimental source: Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. John Huchra [1] . Estimates of the Hubble´s constant. Theoretical data source: Self inductive model .
The number of samples obtained for “Ho” values experimentally measured between year 1996 and the last update of the source [1] , are represented on the axis of ordinates. Experimental values of the Hubble constant, in spite of experimental errors, agglutinate around the predicted ones by the model, forming domes around the values with peak points just in theoretical determinations or insinuating this fact.
3.2. EXPERIMENTAL DATA COMPILATION OF THE HUBBLE CONSTANT. Estimates of the Hubble constant along time. (Periodically updated) Experimental data source: Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. John Huchra . https://lweb.cfa.harvard.edu/~dfabricant/huchra/ https://lweb.cfa.harvard.edu/~dfabricant/huchra/hubble.plot.dat
All material included in this web can be used under source citation. Thanks for your reading!
RELEVANT GONZALO A. MORENO MILESTONES AND DISCOVERIES - Space-mass equivalence: s=(Gεμ)∙m Affectionately named: Moreno´s equation. - Vacuum Self-inductance: L o =Ω o t p /2π - The theory predicts values of the Hubble Constant separated 4,17 Km·s -1 /Mpc. Cosmological redshift as the vacuum impedance consequence. o =√(μ o o ) vacuum impedance; t p = Planck time). … more and details in papers …
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This representation will be indicative of any global pattern about “Ho” behaviour, increasing accuracy by becoming larger the data accumulation despite the existence of inaccuracies according to experimental measurements, and so constitutes an opened procedure by prolongation in time. In fact, the existence of the anticipated pattern by the model is peeked on graph in which “Ho” insinuates multiple possible quantized values separated by 4,1 Km·s -1 /Mpc (see table), which coincides closely with the Self Inductive Model predicted value 4,17 Km·s -1 /Mpc!!. Note: - Due to its configuration, the peak number 4 has been considered like a unique unit. This shape must be revised in subsequent updates. -
Welcome The secret of the Universe is inside the electron.
Writer-Escritor. Novelas Physicist. My Physics papers
1. A STUDY OF ENERGY AND ITS IMPLICATIONS. SPACE TEMPORAL STRUCTURE OF ENERGY. “Time is considered like a flow, as a growing magnitude that advances inexorably carrying every possible event, disappearing its trace and assuring its continuity through the predictable future. But past and future are not more than unreal forms, so are they undisputed proofs of the time existence? Can be past and future like energetic instant states inside a characteristic process of energetic variation that we observe as time passage ?” The development of the initial equations shows spatial magnitude like a mathematical way that possesses all the necessary characteristics for the development and formation of any observable real process. The emptiness, defined mathematically through the length magnitude characterized by the equation s=(Gεμ)∙m ”, allows itself the existence of processes with energetic transmission as the electromagnetic radiation, the formation of matter defined by some properties as mass and electrical charge across the spatial curvature, and assures the constancy of light velocity with independence of reference system velocity. The evolution of the initial hypotheses bears to the known consequences in development of the special relativity theory and relates general relativity with the elemental particles across the spatial curvature and its relation with a constant force value F=c 4 /G and Planck space, time, mass and energy values, all implied in the inertial feature so called mass and also in the electrical charge property. The constant relation E/m =c 2 is associated to volume through the above mentioned constant force and tension, and the values already defined by Planck appear interpreted as a "coupling" between " s=x " and Compton's wave length “ λ ” according to the deduced equation λx=Gh/c 3 . “…The photon would remain trapped by the central punctual mass, only to distance whose value will be the associated space to mass: r=x=mG/c 2 , which is independent of the according to Compton formula photon mass.” “…we might consider their spatial magnitudes by equivalence and so a spatial curvature with these characteristics would behave like a photon trapped to distance “r=x” from the center of a sphere with that radio, in which every points which conform it to the same distance show a tension T`=c 4 /G. And mass attribute appears naturally.” “…mass appears from the coupling mass value (coincident with Planck mass) modulated by the interaction between two forces.” “… proper time appears as a function of temperature and entropy variation , and second one, in natural processes transmitted at light velocity, proper time does not exist. “…But we need to employ time to predict natural processes we observe, considering it consequently an undisputed probe about the existence of time. In this way we frame a useful entelechy that only exits from the related to the observer system point of view to study other inertial or non inertial external systems, where time does not exist or it is only an equivalence with energy exchange.” Even on inertial physical systems with non entropy variations and constant velocity, equivalent to resting systems, or on non inertial systems where acceleration exists, with equivalences on gravity or weightlessness depending on direction of the acceleration, time does not exist, although an external observer can use the concept of time to define those frames. And in turn, one observer placed on a system for which proper time does not exist, could use time to define each other observed external system . It is only on frames where an entropy variation occurs, where we can devise the proper time concept, but considering distinct signs depending on signs of the entropic variation.” “…Life is a feedback reaction that permits to bear its increasing of entropy which tends to destroy the transmission of information over time, first by using energy to control that entropy variation, and as a certain degradation limit, by using energy to be opportunely renewed into another related system achieving the survival of the information. Information fights unconsciously to be transmitted and not be destroyed by probability. - INDEX - 1.- VALIDITY OF DIFFERENTIALS EQUATIONS FOR ENERGY AND MASS FUNCTIONS. In the study of the hypotheses two integration constants appear: Cm y Ce, and the equations are studied with the inclusion of constant and its consequences. 2.- HIGH MASSES CONSIDERATION. Development of the theory with the consideration of zero values for integration constants, or situations in which this approximation is useful. 3.- GENERALIZATION OF FORCE IN ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH ENERGY, MASS AND ASSOCIATED ESPACE “x”. Generalization of the force involved in the relation energy, mass, space for any speed value. 4.- STUDY OF THE VELOCITY-TIME FUNCTION. 5.- TERMODINAMIC STUDY OF THE ASSOCIATED TO ENERGY-MASS PROPER TIME. Application of the hypotheses. Implications time, energy variation and entropy variation. 5.1.-Generalization in complex systems. Study of the physical meaning of the implications in a macroscopic level. 6.-COUPLING. Particular conditions of surroundings. 7.- STUDY OF ENERGETIC VALUE AND IMPULSE IMPLICATED IN “m,x” RELATION REFERING TO COUPLING. Application of the F=c 4 /G value in the previous conditions of surroundings. Value of the unification of forces and energy. 8.-PHYSICAL INTERPRETATION OF THE ASSOCIATED SPACE. Study of the physical meaning of the space implied in the inertial character of mass from the study of the following concepts: 8.1.- Study of the pressure in a isotropic medium defined by its equivalence space-mass. 8.2.-Tension of a string with linear density µ=m/L, on which a wave with speed c is transmitted. 8.3.- Equivalence work-energy-mass. 8.4.- Application to an inertial system with spherical curvature. 9.-PHYSICAL MEANING OF CHARGE AND MASS MAGNITUDES. Magnitudes charge and mass appear from their coupling values (coincident with Planck mass and an unified charge) modulated by the interaction between two forces. 9.1.- THEORETICAL SUPPORT. 9.2.- QUANTIZATION OF MAGNITUDES. Paper1 page (PDF)
2. QUANTUM STABILITY OF THE MUON, TAU, ELECTRON LEPTONS IN RELATION TO PLANCK MAGNITUDES AND VACUUM. QUANTIZATION OF ELECTRIC CHARGE AND MASS. From the study of the vacuum capacity as a sufficient medium in its relation with the Planck magnitudes in the formation and development of observable and real processes such as electrical charge and rest mass, the close existing relationships among tau, muon and electron leptonic particles are detailed as well as the definition for tau and muon as symmetrical components of an orderly body defined by spatial relations which only permits the formation of some structures by an only and reproducible way. The values obtained from the developed theoretical equations for muon and tau leptons rest mass equivalent are: m(µ)·c 2 =105,65763 62(83) Mev ; m(τ)·c 2 =1778,578 255(140) Mev. Taking the reference of experimental muon rest mass value due to accuracy in mass measurement, the relative error is e r (µ)=0,0000068. - INDEX - 1.– Quantization of electrical charge. 1.1.– Quantization of electrical charge. Supplementary conditions. 2.– Theoretical support and relation with electron mass. 3.– Tau-muon relationships. Rest mass values calculation and conclusions. Paper2 page (PDF)
3. SELF INDUCTIVE MODEL. THEORETICAL CALCULATION OF THE HUBBLE CONSTANT AND RELATION WITH CMB AND CIB. The cosmological displacement of spectral lines observed between different noticeable cosmic objects and Earth depends initially on the relative speeds between them. The present model sets out to evaluate the value of the Hubble constant H o by taking account of the behaviour of variable electric and magnetic fields, which shapes electromagnetic transmission to produce a spectral red-shift. The model deduces the new attribute vacuum self-inductance with the form L o = Ω o t p /2 π . Likewise, the application of the model to a sampling of galaxy and quasars leads to a surprising relationship between the CMB, CIB and the cosmological red-shift, as well as to the discrepancy in the conventional distance to quasars. (Ω o =√(μ o o ) vacuum impedance ; t p = Planck time). Initial hypotheses on electromagnetic transmission through the vacuum: 1- The impedance of the vacuum (defined by its magnetic permeability and dielectric constant) determines the behaviour of the transmitted electromagnetic wave. 2- In certain physical systems there is an opposition to the variation of magnetic and electric fields. 3- Maxwell's equations and the vacuum impedance magnitude leads to the new magnitude “vacuum self-inductance”. Many consequences follow from these hypotheses, but we will focus on two to summarize: - There is a very subtle opposition to the variation of electric and magnetic fields inherent in the transmission of electromagnetic waves. - The results lead to a reinterpretation of the concept of the Hubble constant. ∙ Galilean Electrodynamics. Vol.19, N.5, pag.83-87, Sept.-Oct.2008. Paper3 page (PDF) 3.1. THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS COMPARISON. (Periodically updated) Experimental source: Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. John Huchra [1]. Estimates of the Hubble´s constant. Theoretical data source: Self inductive model.
The number of samples obtained for Ho values experimentally measured between year 1996 and the last update of the source [1] , are represented on the axis of ordinates. Experimental values of the Hubble constant, in spite of experimental errors, agglutinate around the predicted ones by the model, forming domes around the values with peak points just in theoretical determinations or insinuating this fact. This representation will be indicative of any global pattern about Ho behaviour, increasing accuracy by becoming larger the data accumulation despite the existence of inaccuracies according to experimental measurements, and so constitutes an opened procedure by prolongation in time. In fact, the existence of the anticipated pattern by the model is peeked on graph in which Ho insinuates multiple possible quantized values separated by 4,1 Km·s -1 /Mpc (see table), which coincides closely with the Self Inductive Model predicted value 4,17 Km·s -1 /Mpc!!. Note: - Due to its configuration, the peak number 4 has been considered like a unique unit. This shape must be revised in subsequent updates. -
3.2. EXPERIMENTAL DATA COMPILATION OF THE HUBBLE CONSTANT. Estimates of the Hubble constant along time. (Periodically updated) Experimental data source: Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. John Huchra. https://lweb.cfa.harvard.edu/~dfabricant/huchra/ ; https://lweb.cfa.harvard.edu/~dfabricant/huchra/hubble.plot.dat
Welcome The secret of the Universe is inside the electron.
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RELEVANT GONZALO A. MORENO MILESTONES AND DISCOVERIES - Space-mass equivalence: s=(Gεμ)∙m Affectionately named: Moreno´s equation. - Vacuum Self-inductance: L o =Ω o t p /2π - The theory predicts values of the Hubble Constant separated 4,17 Km·s -1 /Mpc. Cosmological redshift as the vacuum impedance consequence. (Ω o =√(μ o o ) vacuum impedance ; t p = Planck time). … more and details in papers …
1. A STUDY OF ENERGY AND ITS IMPLICATIONS. SPACE TEMPORAL STRUCTURE OF ENERGY. “Time is considered like a flow, as a growing magnitude that advances inexorably carrying every possible event, disappearing its trace and assuring its continuity through the predictable future. But past and future are not more than unreal forms, so are they undisputed proofs of the time existence? Can be past and future like energetic instant states inside a characteristic process of energetic variation that we observe as time passage ?” The development of the initial equations shows spatial magnitude like a mathematical way that possesses all the necessary characteristics for the development and formation of any observable real process. The emptiness, defined mathematically through the length magnitude characterized by the equation s=(Gεμ)∙m ”, allows itself the existence of processes with energetic transmission as the electromagnetic radiation, the formation of matter defined by some properties as mass and electrical charge across the spatial curvature, and assures the constancy of light velocity with independence from the velocity of the reference system. The evolution of the initial hypotheses bears to the known consequences in development of the special relativity theory and relates general relativity with the elemental particles across the spatial curvature and its relation with a constant force value F=c 4 /G and Planck space, time, mass and energy values, all implied in the inertial feature so called mass and also in the electrical charge property. The relation E/m = c 2 is associated to volume through the above mentioned constant force and tension, and the values already defined by Planck appear interpreted as a "coupling" between " s=x " and Compton's wave length “ λ ” according to the deduced equation λx=Gh/c 3 . “…The photon would remain trapped by the central punctual mass, only to distance whose value will be the associated space to mass: r=x=mG/c 2 , which is independent of the according to Compton formula photon mass.” “…we might consider their spatial magnitudes by equivalence and so a spatial curvature with these characteristics would behave like a photon trapped to distance “r=x” from the center of a sphere with that radio, in which every points which conform it to the same distance show a tension T`=c 4 /G. And mass attribute appears naturally.” “…mass appears from the coupling mass value (coincident with Planck mass) modulated by the interaction between two forces.” “… proper time appears as a function of temperature and entropy variation , and second one, in natural processes transmitted at light velocity, proper time does not exist. “…But we need to employ time to predict natural processes we observe, considering it consequently an undisputed probe about the existence of time. In this way we frame a useful entelechy that only exits from the related to the observer system point of view to study other inertial or non inertial external systems, where time does not exist or it is only an equivalence with energy exchange.” Even on inertial physical systems with non entropy variations and constant velocity, equivalent to resting systems, or on non inertial systems where acceleration exists, with equivalences on gravity or weightlessness depending on direction of the acceleration, time does not exist, although an external observer can use the concept of time to define those frames. And in turn, one observer placed on a system for which proper time does not exist, could use time to define each other observed external system . It is only on frames where an entropy variation occurs, where we can devise the proper time concept, but considering distinct signs depending on signs of the entropic variation.” “…Life is a feedback reaction that permits to bear its increasing of entropy which tends to destroy the transmission of information over time, first by using energy to control that entropy variation, and as a certain degradation limit, by using energy to be opportunely renewed into another related system achieving the survival of the information. Information fights unconsciously to be transmitted and not be destroyed by probability. - INDEX - 1.- VALIDITY OF DIFFERENTIALS EQUATIONS FOR ENERGY AND MASS FUNCTIONS. In the study of the hypotheses two integration constants appear: Cm y Ce, and the equations are studied with the inclusion of constant and its consequences. 2.- HIGH MASSES CONSIDERATION. Development of the theory with the consideration of zero values for integration constants, or situations in which this approximation is useful. 3.- GENERALIZATION OF FORCE IN ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH ENERGY, MASS AND ASSOCIATED ESPACE “x”. Generalization of the force involved in the relation energy, mass, space for any speed value. 4.- STUDY OF THE VELOCITY-TIME FUNCTION. 5.- TERMODINAMIC STUDY OF THE ASSOCIATED TO ENERGY-MASS PROPER TIME. Application of the hypotheses. Implications time, energy variation and entropy variation. 5.1.-Generalization in complex systems. Study of the physical meaning of the implications in a macroscopic level. 6.-COUPLING. Particular conditions of surroundings. 7.- STUDY OF ENERGETIC VALUE AND IMPULSE IMPLICATED IN “m,x” RELATION REFERING TO COUPLING. Application of the F=c 4 /G value in the previous conditions of surroundings. Value of the unification of forces and energy. 8.-PHYSICAL INTERPRETATION OF THE ASSOCIATED SPACE. Study of the physical meaning of the space implied in the inertial character of mass from the study of the following concepts: 8.1.- Study of the pressure in a isotropic medium defined by its equivalence space-mass. 8.2.-Tension of a string with linear density µ=m/L, on which a wave with speed c is transmitted. 8.3.- Equivalence work-energy-mass. 8.4.- Application to an inertial system with spherical curvature. 9.-PHYSICAL MEANING OF CHARGE AND MASS MAGNITUDES. Magnitudes charge and mass appear from their coupling values (coincident with Planck mass and an unified charge) modulated by the interaction between two forces. 9.1.- THEORETICAL SUPPORT. 9.2.- QUANTIZATION OF MAGNITUDES. Paper1 page (PDF)
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2. QUANTUM STABILITY OF THE MUON, TAU, ELECTRON LEPTONS IN RELATION TO PLANCK MAGNITUDES AND VACUUM. QUANTIZATION OF ELECTRIC CHARGE AND MASS. From the study of the spatial magnitude capacity as a sufficient medium in its relation with the Planck magnitudes in the formation and development of observable and real processes such as electrical charge and rest mass, the close existing relationships among tau, muon and electron leptonic particles are detailed as well as the definition for tau and muon as symmetrical components of an orderly mathematical framework defined by spatial relationships, which only permits the formation of some structures by an only and reproducible way. The values obtained from the developed theoretical equations for muon and tau leptons rest mass equivalent are: m(µ)·c 2 =105,65763 62(83) Mev ; m(τ)·c 2 =1778,578 255(140) Mev. Taking the reference of experimental muon rest mass value due to accuracy in mass measurement, the relative error is e r (µ)=0,0000068. - INDEX - 1.– Quantization of electrical charge. 1.1.– Quantization of electrical charge. Supplementary conditions. 2.– Theoretical support and relation with electron mass. 3.– Tau-muon relationships. Rest mass values calculation and conclusions. Paper2 page (PDF)
3. SELF INDUCTIVE MODEL. THEORETICAL CALCULATION OF THE HUBBLE CONSTANT AND RELATION WITH CMB AND CIB. The cosmological displacement of spectral lines observed between different noticeable cosmic objects and Earth depends initially on the relative speeds between them. The present model sets out to evaluate the value of the Hubble constant Ho by taking account of the behaviour of variable electric and magnetic fields, which shapes electromagnetic transmission to produce a spectral red-shift. The model deduces the new attribute vacuum self-inductance with the form Lo= Ω otp/2 π . Likewise, the application of the model to a sampling of galaxy and quasars leads to a surprising relationship between the CMB, CIB and the cosmological red-shift, as well as to the discrepancy in the conventional distance to quasars. (Ω o =√(μ o o ) vacuum impedance ; t p = Planck time). Initial hypotheses on electromagnetic transmission through the vacuum: 1- The impedance of the vacuum (defined by its magnetic permeability and dielectric constant) determines the behaviour of the transmitted electromagnetic wave. 2- In certain physical systems there is an opposition to the variation of magnetic and electric fields. 3- Maxwell's equations and the vacuum impedance magnitude leads to the new magnitude “vacuum self-inductance”. Many consequences follow from these hypotheses, but we will focus on two to summarize: - There is a very subtle opposition to the variation of electric and magnetic fields inherent in the transmission of electromagnetic waves. - The results lead to a reinterpretation of the concept of the Hubble constant. ∙ Galilean Electrodynamics. Vol.19, N.5, pag.83-87, Sept.-Oct.2008. Paper3 page (PDF) 3.1. THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS COMPARISON. (Periodically updated) Experimental source: Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. John Huchra [1] . Estimates of the Hubble´s constant. Theoretical data source: Self inductive model.
The number of samples obtained for Ho values experimentally measured between year 1996 and the last update of the source [1] , are represented on the axis of ordinates. Experimental values of the Hubble constant, in spite of experimental errors, agglutinate around the predicted ones by the model, forming domes around the values with peak points just in theoretical determinations or insinuating this fact. This representation will be indicative of any global pattern about Ho behaviour, increasing accuracy by becoming larger the data accumulation despite the existence of inaccuracies according to experimental measurements, and so constitutes an opened procedure by prolongation in time. In fact, the existence of the anticipated pattern by the model is peeked on graph in which Ho insinuates multiple possible quantized values separated by 4,1 Km·s -1 /Mpc (see table), which coincides closely with the Self Inductive Model predicted value 4,17 Km·s -1 /Mpc!!. Note: - Due to its configuration, the peak number 4 has been considered like a unique unit. This shape must be revised in subsequent updates. -
3.2. EXPERIMENTAL DATA COMPILATION OF THE HUBBLE CONSTANT. Estimates of the Hubble constant along time. (Periodically updated) Experimental data source: Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. John Huchra. https://lweb.cfa.harvard.edu/~dfabricant/huchra/ ; https://lweb.cfa.harvard.edu/~dfabricant/huchra/hubble.plot.dat
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RELEVANT GONZALO A. MORENO MILESTONES AND DISCOVERIES - Space-mass equivalence: s=(Gεμ)∙m Affectionately named: Moreno´s equation. - Vacuum Self-inductance: L o =Ω o t p /2π - The theory predicts values of the Hubble Constant separated 4,17 Km·s -1 /Mpc. Cosmological redshift as the vacuum impedance consequence. (Ω o =√(μ o o ) vacuum impedance ; t p = Planck time). … more and details in papers …